Section all about Employability & Business Training…
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Community & Family Learning
Special projects
Women’s employability
Covering a wide range of employability skills such as team-building, raising self confidence, CV writing, managing a family and career, IT skills and much more.
Reading Between the Lines
World War 1 project which encompassed drama photography, film making, scriptwritng, poetry writing which culminated in a photographic exhibition and completed short film and a staged drama.
HALP (Patterns)
Creation of a community calendar where students took photos and poems and used IT to create a calendar featuring patterns and textures around Lairg.
Sutherland Secrets
Was a project run in conjunction with Brora Learning Centre and included the heritage and history of Sutherland and the research was published in a small book.
Lives of Highland women
This Project explored how women’s life in Sutherland had changed over the last 100 years and a short film was produced.
Clay workshop – Garden feature
Work with a well known Clay Sculptor to construct a variety of objects and sculptures.
Art reach
Art Project for the whole family where parents and children can learn new crafts together.
Art history
An overview of significant Art History periods and styles linking past and present.
People & Place – Photography and Photoshop
From learning the basics of photo editing and photography to some of the more advanced techniques.
Create a piece of patchwork quilt to a high standard using a variety of techniques, colours and patterns.
Provide with the essential sewing skills, from learning the basic functions of the Sewing machine to creating home furnishings, crafts and clothes.
Cake decorating
Catering from novices through to experts our classes cover beginners techniques through to skills needed for wedding cakes. We also run Saturday workshop for children aged 8 plus.

Covering all levels from beginners to advanced.
Covering all levels from beginners to advanced.
Covering all levels from beginners to advanced.
Covering all levels from beginners to advanced.
Covering all levels from beginners to advanced.
English as a second language
Covering all levels from beginners to advanced.

Book club
Designed for beginners and ESOL learners in a relaxed informal environment.
Creative writing
Learn the basics and to be inspired on how to write your own novel.
Scottish literature
Read about Scottish literature such as Gothic and North Atlantic Rim.
Poetry café
Learn through a variety of materials to inspire students to create their very own short stories and poems.
Gaelic legacy
Learning the historical background of the Celtic people And the main linguistic differences between them.
Norse legacy
Learn the literature and language of old Norse and Iceland.
Study local history across the North West Highlands and went on a local field trip to visit a cemetery, brochs and local stones.

IT for beginners
Basic functions on how to work your way around the computer and internet use.
Edit and enhancing photographs for all levels from opening and saving pictures to eye retouching, and adjusting layers.
Learn how to browse the web and how to download apps and e-books.
IT skills: Word
From creating you very first Word document to some of the more complex and advanced techniques.
IT skills: Excel
Covering all levels from creating formulas and spreadsheets to advanced functions such as pivot tables and data management.
IT skills: business basics
Learning how to use the internet to sell your business and managing your bookkeeping skills.
Recipe roundup
Creating recipe cards to give to Friends or family members and discussing favourite food recipes and how to make them healthier.

Tweed handbags and cushions and Christmas
Create Tweed accessories using a variety of different materials and colours.
Creating your own product or material by converting waste or old materials into new ones for better environmental values.
Christmas cake decorating
Each year students can bring along their iced Christmas cakes and go home with it fully decorated. Previous designs have included, Teddies unwrapping Christmas presents, robins in snowy scenes, Christmas rose arrangement.
Flower arrangement
Flower arranging from beginners through to more advanced and have included, Christmas Wreaths and Floral arrangements
Using traditional wooden spinning wheels, learn how to turn a fleece into wool.
Silk paintings
Create a Silk Painting inspired by natural history.
Block printing
Cutting shapes into materials such as metal and wood to have it inked and pressed onto paper
Felt making
Learn various techniques of felt making by shrinking or matting fibres.
Fabric dyeing
Mixing a range of different dyes and colours to create something new.
Material Christmas wreath
Using small pieces of material a Christmas wreath is created which can be used for many years to come.
Working with a sewing machine to create and take home your made item.
Rag Rugging
Using creativity to recycle old rags or clothing into rugs.
Business Classes
Emergency Aid at work
A certificated course covering the basic skills of emergency first aid in the workplace.
Food hygiene
Basic food hygiene certificate covering the requirements for working in a kitchen or food environment.
Book keeping
Learning how to use Excel and manual methods you will learn about sales and purchase ledger nominal ledger trial balance, this class is designed for beginners but you can progress through to advanced skills.
Alcohol Licensing
Personal alcohol licence that is required for you to sell alcohol from a licensed premise.

Lairg & District Learning Centre
Lairg, IV27 4DD
Mon-Thu: 9am – 3pm
Outside of these hours please leave a message